Pediatric Dentist in Pune

At Dr. Pandit’s Clinic, we believe dental care for children should start early – helping to set your kids up for a lifetime of good oral hygiene habits.

Check-ups at regular interval with an experienced children’s dentist combined with daily oral care can help to keep tooth decay at bay. You should start to take your child to a pediatric dentist near you as soon as they have developed their first baby tooth. We put emphasis on prevention and education at our dental clinic, teaching parents and their kids how to take the best care of their teeth every day.

Due to early habit of visiting dentist from a young age, the child may be less likely to experience dental anxiety and more likely to keep up with their scheduled visits when they grow up. As soon as you start caring for their teeth, the better your child’s oral health will be once they mature gradually. Schedule an appointment with our kid’s dentists today!

Call our friendly team on or make an appointment online for best pediatric dentist in Pune.

When should dental care for children start?

As soon as you start caring for their teeth, the better your child’s oral health will be once they mature gradually. It’s never too early to start caring for children’s oral health. At Dr. Pandit’s Clinic, our pediatric dentist recommend that parents bring their kids with them to their check-ups from as early as 1 year of age.

This helps kids to get familiar with the procedure and makes them less anxious about dental treatment in future. Also it helps them to develop positive associations with our dental team.

Parents should immediately take their child to see a pediatric dentist when their first tooth erupts, so we can evaluate the health of their gums and identify any possible problems as soon as possible. By the age of 30 months, usually every kids will have all of their baby teeth and should be seeing a children’s dentist regularly.

Regular check-ups of your child give our dentists the chance to observe and monitor the development of kids’ teeth and jaws. It helps the dentist to detect any problems that may need a minimally invasive treatment. These treatment could be anything such as a white filling to repair cavities. By this time, we can also start to apply fluoride treatments to help strengthen their teeth against plaque and tooth decay.

How to look after kids' teeth?

Dental care for children doesn’t end at the dental clinic after your visit. It’s important that parents take care of their kids’ teeth every day by bushing their teeth twice daily, moderating their eating habits etc helping them to prevent tooth decay, cavities and gum disease.

We at Dr. Pandit’s Clinic recommend:

  • brushing your child’s teeth twice a day
  • flossing between their teeth once a day
  • avoiding too many sugary snacks and drinks
  • parent should make sure they drink plenty of water every day

parents may need to assist their child brushing their teeth until they reach the age of 7 or 8. You should brush their teeth using a low-fluoride children’s toothpaste from 18 months to 3 years of age, at which time they can switch to normal toothpaste.

Time for a check-up? Talk to a kids dentist at Baner Pune

If your child is due for their check-up, you’re worried they might have a dental problem or you just want some professional advice, get in touch today on      +91- 9890854838 to talk to an experienced children’s dentist in Pune Baner

We’ve created a friendly and welcoming environment at our dental clinic, and we also offer sedation dentistry to help children who are nervous or uncooperative because of dental anxiety. We get the care they need.

Pit and fissure sealant

Sealant is a protective plastic coating applied to the pit and fissures of back teeth. It is a safe and painless procedure to prevent the tooth from decay. It is usually applied to the back teeth – the molars and premolars. These teeth usually have pits and fissures on the biting surface where the food and bacteria get stuck and therefore sealant is applied to coat these pit and fissures.

Composite fillings for caries

A composite filling is a treatment for a cavity or sometimes called caries. This type of filling uses a composite resin material for the cavity and to restore your oral health. Composite resin is a mixture of different substances, such as glass and plastic. This composite filling provides an alternative to traditional amalgam fillings of mercury and powdered alloys. A composite filling is a tooth-coloured material that blends in with the color of your natural teeth. This tooth coloured nature of composite filling making it perfect for treating cavities.


A dental procedure called Pulpotomy involves the removal of pulp from the tooth crown whereas the pulp of the root canal is left intact. Pulpotomy is primarily performed on the primary teeth (baby teeth). Our dentist will suggest Pulpotomy if it is discovered during the examination that the tooth decay has affected the pulp in the crown.


A dental procedure called Pulpotomy involves the removal of all the pulp from the tooth crown along with the root canal. Pulp usually contains connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. Similar to pulpotomy, pulpectomy is also performed on primary teeth (baby teeth). This procedure is sometimes called a baby root canal, whereas in adults with permanent teeth this is the first step of root canal treatment.

Strip Crown

Strip crowns are the restoration of choice for upper or lower front teeth that have multiple surfaces or large cavities.  It is a clear plastic tooth form that is trimmed and filled with composite resin (tooth-colored filling material) to provide full tooth coverage after cavity removal.  Once the resin is cured (hardened) with the dental light, the plastic tooth form is removed and the composite which is now bonded to the remaining tooth structure is polished and adjusted to provide a beautiful tooth-colored crown that matches the rest of the teeth.

Stainless Steel Crown

The stainless steel crown is very easy to mount and extremely durable restoration for primary teeth. SS crown is used following a pulpotomy/pulpectomy. SS crown is also used to restore teeth with development defects or teeth with a carious lesion involving multiple surfaces where amalgam is more likely to fail.

Zirconia Crown

Crowns made up of zirconia are the most common type of crown used for tooth covering or dental implants. We often recommend zirconia crowns as a way to support broken, weak, or misshapen teeth. Zirconia crowns do offer many advantages over other crowns such as their strength and durability. Considering the amount of force exerted while chewing the food we need a strong material and therefore zirconia crowns are preferred.

Silver Diamine Fluoride

Silver Diamine FluorideSilver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a liquid-based procedure used to help prevent tooth caries (or cavities) from forming, growing, or spreading to other teeth. We at Dr. Pandit’s Clinic of Excellence use the liquid form of SDF containing at least 38% of SDF. The liquid form of SDF is applied topically, which means it is applied directly on the surface of the tooth.SDF is made of:
  • silver: which helps kill bacteria
  • water: which provides a liquid base for the mixture
  • fluoride: helps your teeth in remineralization (rebuild the material they are made up of)
  • ammonia: helps the solution remain concentrated so that it’s maximally effective against cavity resonance

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a mineral used in dental procedures because of its natural properties. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps in preventing teeth from decay, cavities and build your teeth stronger. Fluoride helps fight the bacteria that harm teeth and gums and supports healthy tooth enamel (outer layer of the tooth). If you are at high risk of developing dental cavities or caries, fluoride can be a savior for you.

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